ALL-IN-ONE II Test and Calibrate Unit for Hickok 539B and 539C Tube Testers
VHSystems is now offering the new All-In-One II that replaces the previous model sold by TubesLab on ebay.
Now being manufactured in the Denver area where it was originally designed back in 2010 by William Eccher.
It’s a passive device with the exception of the AAA battery used to test the Main Meter and it will be good for the shelf life.
A much safer way of working on these tube testers, but of course caution must be exercised when the tester is out of its case.
Face Plate is now anodized aluminum with laser etching for long term durability.
Meter Test potentiometer is now a ten turn type for easier adjustments.
Cable exits the unit top center for left or right placement.
Manual has been expanded to include additional information useful in the calibration, testing and repair of these Hickok tube testers. Parts locations are included and I think anyone who has looked inside one of these Hickoks will appreciate this addition. Suggestions like a simple change for correcting errors that can occur when testing high current tubes like the KT88/6550 tubes.
The bound hard copy consists of the cover, first two introductory pages and foldout schematics for the two models. The completer manual is on a USB drive in a Word document, which will allow you to make a copy where you can add your own notes and retain the original.
We recommend installing three mod’s to your tube tester and instructions are included in the manual. One is the Plate Current Mod and the 1 ohm 1% resistor is included if you elect to install it.
As with the previous model Main Meter test leads and a 9 pin gas test plug are included.
This unit with the addition of a good digital multimeter enhances your ability to test, calibrate and repair your Hickok tube tester now and in the years to come.
Without removing the tester from the from the case simply plug the All-In-One II into the octal tube socket and you can check the plate, screen, bias, filament and signal voltages under the proper conditions with just your digital multimeter. Check the accuracy ot the bias and AC meters. Check the bridge balance that consists of the type 83 rectifier tube and the four bridge resistors at 14mA and 50mA. Yes and with just this unit and your digital multimeter you will be able test the Gm over all the ranges. No need for a variac and isolation transformer the All-In-One takes care of that internally. The isolated Main Meter test can only be performed with the unit out of its case, but you can get a good idea from other tests.
If you find your tester needs calibration or repairs then step by step instructions are provided in the manual. If problems are found then suggestions are given for a possible fix.
Take a look and see the convenience and some of the functions these units provide.
If you previously purchased a All-In-One from TubesLab the new Manual is compatible with your unit and we will send you the new Manual in a Word document. Please use the Contact Us page and be sure to make a note of it in the message field.
A single typo error occurred and ended up on the Main Meter Test section where Micro ended up as Micron. Not really a big deal, but we reduced the price from $319 to 299 to compensate for it.
In the Manual is the direct email to William (Bill) Eccher for full support if needed to use this unit and limited assistance with repairing your tube tester.
List price: $299