Eccher Art

Coming soon.

Meaning of Eccher

A common name in Trentino it is belived to come from the German word Ecke when translated to English means Corner.


Eccher Name Meaning

Variant of German Ecker, from South Tyrol, a German-speaking region in northern Italy.

Source: Dictionary of American Family Names ©2013, Oxford University Press

Similar surnames: EicherEichlerAicherEckerBacherBecherZercherTescher


A Little about Us

The pictures are of my family, which immigrated to the United States around 1901. The family settled in Colorado.

List of other Eccher websites

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Eccher in Italy

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Theresa Eccher - Rare and Precious Wines

Theresa Eccher

Ernest Hem­ing­way was one of the most impor­tant amer­i­can writ­ers. He spent a long time in Italy and he trav­elled a lot through Veneto. The first time he met Fer­nanda Pivano, his ital­ian trans­la­tor, he was in Cortina.
They met in 1948. To reach him she faced a long and dif­fi­cult jour­ney by steam trains. She arrived at night. She was exhausted and “with a dark face, like a chimney-​sweep”: that is what she said.
Hem­ing­way was wait­ing for her in the din­ing room sur­rounded by his friends and gave her a warm wel­come. After a lit­tle con­ver­sa­tion, he offered her a glass of wine to warm up. She declined, stat­ing that she was a tee­to­taller. Hem­ing­way, frown­ing, told her: “That’s bad: never trust a woman that doesn’t drink wine”.
In Theresa Eccher we have a sim­i­lar idea. Because wine is life, har­mony, thought, pas­sion and cul­ture: here what you loose if you renounce wine.
Wine pro­duc­tion is some­thing more than a nor­mal indus­trial busi­ness, it is some­how close to art. Because we don’t only have to har­vest, we have to pre­pare wine: just start­ing from the vine, then select­ing the bunches, har­vest­ing and squeez­ing them in the right sea­son. We don’t squeeze them too much, because the first grape juice is the best one. In other words, we look after the wine pro­duc­tion as if it were a liv­ing thing. The man who mar­ries Nature to give birth to a lit­tle every­day mir­a­cle: this is wine for us in Theresa Eccher.

Hotel Eccher in Val di Sole

A three-star hotel in Mezzana, in the heart of the Val di Sole

The Hotel Eccher is in Val di Sole Mezzana At the foot of the Stelvio National Park in the midst of beautiful mountains and ancient rural villages.
A stone’s throw from the main things to do and see both in summer and winter in Val di Sole, near the Marilleva ski slopes and the train station, we will become your point of reference.

Riccarda de Eccher

Riccarda de Eccher was born in Bolzano and grew up in Udine, Italy.
She started painting primarily watercolors later in her life. Her love of mountains has made them the subject of her work.
She published several books of short stories featuring her paintings.
She is married and lives in Long Island, New York.   

Interview by Nick Goldston

Monte Pelmo in watercolour by Riccarda de Eccher

Frutta & Verdura Eccher

Since 2006 our company has the certification for the sale of BIOLOGICAL products.
This means that Eccher Frutta & Verdura guarantees the traceability of the entire organic product chain, from the producer to the consumer.

For over 30 years we have been working daily to ensure quality at the right price, aiming at a fair remuneration of the farmer and the sustainability of the supply chain.

Rizzani de Eccher / General Contractor

Specialisation, globalisation, capacity and flexibility are all keys to the success of Rizzani de Eccher. This allows the Group to stand out for its ability to add value to every project, from general building to infrastructure. 
Professionalism, rapidity of execution and dynamism allow the Group to deal simultaneously with complex and articulated activities in diverse geographic locations. 
With the objective of always fulfilling our clients’ requirements, the Group has successfully delivered hundreds of projects over the past century in Italy and abroad.

Monsignor Celestino Eccher

The beginnning

The Cultural Association “Monsignor Celestino Eccher” was founded in February 1993 in Smarano as the natural evolution of a Committee previously established to steer the activities connected to the promotion of a pipe organ for the church of the village of Smarano. It was immediately clear that the future organ, assuming proper financing, had to be an high quality instrument, specifically featured for the baroque organ literature. A pure coincidence led to meet an organ maker, Glauco Ghilardi from Lucca (Tuscany), When funds were provided, both from the people of the village and from the local and regional Communites, the instrument was built and inaugurated in 1992, receiving immediately the interest of the experts which attended the inauguration.

Burchia, Eccher & Eheim

Attorney Roberta Eccher

Expert in: labour law, social security law, civil law, commercial law, corporate law, bankruptcy law

Fluent in: Italian, German, English

Practicing the profession since October 2, 1998, admitted to practice the profession at the Court of Cassation since 2010

Eccher in United States

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Gone, but not Forgotten

William Eccher, their eldest surviving son, helped burn down the cabins at Spring Gulch as a teenager, sparing departing residents the burden of property tax. The family settled down on Silt Mesa, and William, despite only having an eighth-grade education, helped oversee the construction of mines in South Canyon.

Clint Eccher

Clint has developed a new method of painting called Tiered Painting, which involves painting on a painting and using LED lights to bring it all to life.

Franklin Eccher


Funding the Future of Conservation: A GreenLight Ideation Session with Colorado Parks and Wildlife

Eccher Gulch

Eccher Gulch is a locals favorite, combining a long, arduous climb with a technical, “gamey” descent. If you’re looking for easy mileage, best to look elsewhere. The remote nature of this trail, combined with the rugged terrain, means that Eccher Gulch is often overgrown and littered with loose rock. This trail also presents a few route-finding challenges, so best to have good knowledge of the terrain before setting off.

You can even watch a video!

Garfield County history

Garfield County has a rich and varied history. Andrew Gulliford, professor of Southwest Studies and History at Fort Lewis College in Durango, captured the spirit of this history in his book “Garfield County, Colorado: The First Hundred Years 1883-1983.”

Peak performance

Doug Eccher was in the middle of nowhere in Wyoming back in June, enjoying the summer break, when he received a text message.

The Peak Virtual Academy teacher had a smile on his face when he read it: student Sam Green was one of five Colorado high school students who won the Esri 2018 ArcGIS Online Mapping Competition.

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