3 Meter Digital Conversion Kit for the HICKOK 539B or 539C Tube Tester
- Easy to install Digital AC, Bias and Main Meters.
- Accuracy without the squinting and interpolation.
- Tester can be operated in any position.
- Simple multiplication for Transconductance in Micromhos.
- Operating instructions right on the faceplate of the Main Meter.
- No more worries about pegging and damaging the Main Meter.
- Main Meter displays negative for the few tubes where display is reversed.
- Anodized aluminum panels with laser etched lettering.
- Self contained package including the power supplies.
- Same size as the analog meters with no modification required to install*.
- Calibrated and requires no adjustments.
- Plate current mod. Is included to measure plate current with a digital multimeter.
- Warranty is 1 year parts and labor**.
*NOTE: If your 539B has the square BIAS Meter this Conversion Kit cannot be installed. If your 539C was manufactured in the late 60’s to the end of production in the 70’s and has the smaller plastic Main Meter, then the face plate of the tester has to be modified.
SHIPPING: The meter will be shipped USPS Priority Mail and insured to the lower 48 states.
SUPPORT: Email and when necessary by phone.
List price: $499

Main Meter Digital Conversion Kit for the HICKOK 539B or 539C Tube Tester
- Easy to install Main Meter.
- Accuracy without the squinting and interpolation.
- Tester can be operated in any position.
- Simple multiplication for Transconductance in Micromhos.
- Operating instructions right on the face plate of the Main Meter.
- No more worries about pegging and damaging the Main Meter.
- Main Meter displays negative for the few tubes where display is reversed.
- Anodized aluminum panels with laser etched lettering.
- Self contained package including the power supplies.
- Same size as the analog meters with no modification required to install*.
- Calibrated and requires no adjustment
- Warranty is 1 year parts and labor**.
*NOTE: If your 539C was manufactured in the late 60’s to the end of production in the 70’s and has the smaller plastic Main Meter, then the face plate of the tester has to be modified.
SHIPPING: The meter will be shipped USPS Priority Mail and insured to the lower 48 states.
SUPPORT: Email and when necessary by phone.
List price: $249.50

BIAS and Volt Meter Digital Conversion Kit for the HICKOK 539B or 539C Tube Tester
- Easy to install Digital AC, Bias Meters.
- Accuracy without the squinting and interpolation.
- Tester can be operated in any position.
- Operating instructions right on the face plate of the Main Meter.
- Anodized aluminum panels with laser etched lettering.
- Self contained package including the power supplies.
- Same size as the analog meters with no modification required to install*.
- Calibrated and requires no adjustments.
- Plate current mod. Is included to measure plate current with a digital multimeter.
- Warranty is 1 year parts and labor**.
*NOTE: If your 539B has the square BIAS Meter this Conversion Kit cannot be installed.
SHIPPING: The meter will be shipped USPS Priority Mail and insured to the lower 48 states.
SUPPORT: Email and when necessary by phone.
List price: $249.50